Hyatt vs Fairmont Palliser

October 10, 2008 by admin  
Filed under Accommodation

Anyone searching for a luxury hotel in Calgary is bound to come across some mention of the Fairmont Palliser or the Hyatt Regency, and there is no denying that they are both wonderful places to stay. But how do you choose between them? Well, we went to check them both out for ourselves so we could help you decide, and here is what we found.
Both hotels are located downtown but it is the Hyatt that is really in the heart of the action, right in the middle of the main shopping and restaurant area.
The Hyatt has a modern, lively hotel lounge which is bustling with life throughout the day and especially when business people meet there for an afternoon drink. The Palliser, on the other hand, has a quieter lounge off the main lobby more resembling a gentleman’s club.
As you would expect, the rooms in both hotels are of a very high standard, the main difference being size and decor. The Fairmont’s rooms are finished in a very traditional style, in keeping with the historic nature of the building, while the Hyatt offers modern design and larger rooms.
While you won’t be disappointed with either choice, the 2 hotels are certainly different from each other and depending on your personal taste, you are sure to be drawn to your own favorite.


One Response to “Hyatt vs Fairmont Palliser”

  1. 1photographer on January 12th, 2022 9:03 pm


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